Frequent Answered Questions


Q: Does SPF allow indirect costs (e.g. Overheads, Facilities and Administrative costs)?

A: Please refer to "9. Guidelines for Budget Use" in the 2021 SPF Guidelines, which states that the SPF budget covers expenses/costs directly related to the proposed project.
Therefore we would like to kindly advise NOT to include F&A costs in your budget proposal.


Q: When are the start and end dates of the SPF award?

A: The SPF is intended to support new projects that are planned for the period from
April to December, following the “Timeline of Activities” submitted as a part of your application (April 1st-December 25th of the same year). Please also refer to the next Q&A.


Q: Would it be possible to extend the project period beyond what has initially been proposed?

A: Upon request, you may extend your project period until the end of March of the following year, so long as to timely submit the documents below:

 By Dec 25 of the project year
1. Submission of a Progress Report
2. Submission of a 400-600 word article for the AC21 Newsletter

By April 30 of the following year
3. Submission of a Final Report
4. Submission of a Financial Report